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November 12, 2008



That is great advice.. I want to network more for my Graphic design/illustration business and Ive heard twitter can be a decent too.


Passionate about doing Ministry/Christian design work.

Dawnifer Gomer

Glad I made your blog today! I always love the days leading up to Third Day concerts because I always love to hear the interviews you guys so graciously grant to radio stations. I just heard Bill or Dave of the JOY FM announce it so I just wanted to let my morning Tweets know about it so they could listen! Had no idea you would see my tweet and give me a shout out! Glad to be of service. I think both Florida shows are sell outs! I'll be at both.


Evan Courtney


this is @mufan96.

here was my theory.
i actually followed almost 9000 people at one time, in hopes of people returning the follow.
it worked to a degree, because ive got like 3500 followers.

but since twitter put a limit on only following 2000, i can't follow anymore. (I was grandfathered in. ha)

because i can't follow 9000 realistically.
i just subscribe to people twitter rss feeds.
so, i basically follow 50 people's feeds.

still gets the job done.


Great post - I'm very new to twitter - and still trying to figure out why it might be useful and why I might care that my friend Ralph is having a burrito in Chicago at this very moment. I don't - but maybe if he posted a link to the great burrito place I might.

Looking forward to hearing about your setup.


I have twitter send direct messages via email.

Since they include the twitter username in the message I have created rules in my mailbox that if the twitter username does not match my "close friends" list usernames it moves it to a folder. If the name does match. it forwards onto my txt email address [10-digit phone number]@txt.att.net

Maybe that will help you guys

jan owen

Well I have to say i was thrilled when you started following me. haha. Now I know why. If you're in northern Bama, message me and we can tell you all you need to know.

I have experienced much the same as you have - learning new things all the time!


I can't wait for the secret part! Now if you can just help me organize my life so I don't constantly have a mountain of paper yet I can't find that ONE piece that I'm looking for!


That is actually the one thing I have not figured out yet. I'll get to my setup in part two, but I don't get any Twitter updates directly through text anymore. I had to do that because of exactly what you're talking about - an onslaught (sp?) of direct tweets.

This is the one downer about the "follow everybody" strategy, at least for me. I use texting as my primary way of communicating, and Twitter was and still is a great way to text people you don't have contact info for. B/c I had to turn off Twitter on my iPhone, I can't see direct tweets as they come in.

Like you said, maybe they'll address it one of these days...

Adam Riggins

It really is like crack. And, the odd thing is, I feel like I am "friends" with some people on there. I'll probably never meet them, but darn it, we have some good tweets together!

Brody Harper

How do you handle the fact that anyone you are following can 'direct message' you? Doesn't that kill your phone?

I'm waiting for Twitter to come up with something that gives the option to turn off the direct message.

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    • R.E.M. -

      R.E.M.: Accelerate CD/DVD
      Athens' own return with a trashy cool offering - their most consistent album in years. I think they're mad at their dad or something (****)

    • The Rolling Stones -

      The Rolling Stones: Shine a Light: Original Soundtrack
      This is what a live album SHOULD sound like. Unedited, unfixed - just a good recording of what happened that night... (****)

    • Mudcrutch -

      Mudcrutch: Mudcrutch
      Tom Petty and Mike Campbell reunite with their old band and forge an instant classic. (****)

    • Counting Crows -

      Counting Crows: Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings
      It was pretty gutsy to lay it out the way they did: all the rockers on the "Saturday Night" section and all the ballads on the "Sunday Morning" side. But it works, and in a major way. Some of the best guitar work I've heard in recent memory. (*****)

    • The Black Crowes -

      The Black Crowes: The Lost Crowes
      WHY DIDN'T ANYBODY TELL ME ABOUT THIS RECORD?! You've heard most of these songs on other records, but it's just so raw and band-y here. Fall in love with the best band in the world all over again... (*****)

    • Pillar -

      Pillar: For The Love Of The Game
      So far this is the album to beat for the rock album of 2008 in the Christian market... The title track has kind of been my "theme song" the last couple of months. (*****)

    • Maylene and the Sons of Disaster -

      Maylene and the Sons of Disaster: II
      The perfect blend of Southern rock and metal - this is my favorite album right now. (*****)

    • Kevn Kinney -

      Kevn Kinney: Broken Hearts & Auto Parts
      I picked this up in Athens the other day. It starts out a little slow, but turns into vintage Kevn Kinney/Drivin n Cryin. This is as good as anything he/they have ever put out! (****)

    • The Black Crowes -

      The Black Crowes: Warpaint
      If you look up "killer" in the dictionary, you will find a picture of these guys.

    • Baroness -

      Baroness: Red Album
      So far the most original and inspiring music I've heard this year... (*****)

    • Down -

      Down: Down - Over The Under
      This is easily the most rockin' records I've ever owned. It's like redneck Soundgarden. Heaven for a dude like me... (*****)

    • Demon Hunter -

      Demon Hunter: Storm the Gates of Hell
      Don't let the "metalcore" label fool you. This album features some of the biggest and hookiest choruses you'll ever hear. "Lead Us Home", "Carry Me Down", and "Thorns" are great examples. Plus I think they'll give you your money back if the title track doesn't make your ears bleed :) (*****)

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