As we still bask in the afterglow, just a couple of weeks removed from Hair Metal Day, a friend of mine shared with me about a SURREAL experience he had involving CC Deville from Poison. Also, check out this video they made that night. Really cool stuff!
Keep CC in your prayers. I'm sure that's a tough environment for a new Christian...
(BTW - while we're on the subject, I didn't even mention Poison in my Hair Metal Day post. I also left out Def Leppard, RATT, and probably a couple of other obvious choices. Sometimes I try to avoid the obvious because I'm trying to make a point. But let it be know that Poison did, and still do, totally rule! I actually saw them live on two separate occasions and they put on a great show. I just had to get that off of my chest...)
Hey Mark. I had a great time hanging with C.C. I can tell God is up to some cool things there.
However, I've always been a fan of you guys. Your music and ministry have had a huge impact on my life.
Thanks for building into me so that when given the chance I could build into C.C. I love the way God arranges things like this.
Posted by: Pete Wilson | July 24, 2008 at 10:36 AM
wow. I grew up with the guys from Poison. Mechanicsburg PA. My aunt dated Rikki and I helped his dad sell Poison stuff at the local swap meets back then... Larry would pay me in stuff. LOL. I had too many tshirts. Memories.
I wish him well. Wow.
Posted by: Ronni | July 22, 2008 at 11:27 PM
Poison is my favorite Metal band by far!!! Especially "Give Me Something To Believe In" and, believe it or not, "Unskinny Bop". I loved that song before I knew what it meant, lol.
Posted by: Heather | July 16, 2008 at 11:33 PM
How amazing is God???? I can't wait to tell my husband. Poison is one of his favorite bands! He is going to be thrilled!
Posted by: Wendy | July 16, 2008 at 11:03 AM
That's insane! I was a huge Poison fan back in the day (still kinda fond of them, truth be told!). I'd love to hear his story...
Posted by: Iain MacKinnon | July 16, 2008 at 07:35 AM