What's the point of a Summer Reading Club if I'm not in it? Here's what my literary life looks like at the moment:
I'm still bogged down in The Rule of Four. I have a couple of flights coming up this week. Those are great times to finish books!
I have to confess - I'm a sucker for self improvement/business motivational books. I'll go through these phases where I'll read four or five of them in a stretch. I read "The Dip" a couple weeks ago, then picked up The BrandYou50 by Tom Peters. Both of these are excellent books if you're into that sort of thing. The Tom Peters book is of particular interest because he was among the first to harp on the idea of personal branding. This is kind of old hat now, but 10 years ago when he was writing this book it was huge and groundbreaking. As a musician, this kind of book is sort of the story of my life. We're all sort of "free agents" and every artist is a "brand". So it made for some good reading.
Today I was at the library and ran across an interesting book by Brian Tracy. I honestly can't remember the title! It has "focus" in the title I know. Brian Tracy is a great thinker when it comes to goals and personal productivity. Heaven knows I need a little bit of both right now! So I'm pretty fired up about reading this.
I know. I know. These kinds of books don't exactly fit into the "summer reading' mold, but I've found that the secret to reading a lot of varied books is to just follow your moods and not beat yourself up too much. OK, so I've never gotten around to reading City of God or Shakespeare, but it's working pretty well right now...
Man I have been out of this for a couple of weeks. Let me make it clear, we had a death in the family recently and I just haven't found it in myself to blog. I'm sure I'll be back on track this week with a blog.
I still want to read the Rule of Four you were talking about, but I'm into my Summer of Classics still!
Posted by: Genna | July 24, 2008 at 02:47 PM
I finally finished my second book. The first one took forever, so I picked something a little shorter. I'll write a review later. :)
You will read more if what you read follows your interest. It is good to read something out of the mold once in a while, though as it has a tendency to expand one's interest a bit, or at least that has been my experience in recent times. :)
There isn't a lot else to do on flights, though. I usually can't sleep on them myself. LOL I'm going to Creation NW next week. Not sure how much I'll get done there. LOL
Posted by: Melanie | July 15, 2008 at 03:05 AM
I think you are talking about "Focal Point" which is about being more productive. I was given an audio CD of his Book "Eat That Frog" which is 21 ways to help with procrastination. Its good stuff and I am motivated for a while but then stop. I usually get these kinds of books on CD since I live in Los Angeles and am stuck in traffic a lot.
Posted by: Tom Soto | July 14, 2008 at 11:58 PM