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July 26, 2008



It my goal to get through the Beverly Lewis series that all have Amish characters and settings. I find this life extremely interesting. It would be interesting to live like the Amish without the strict rules of dress code and technology. Anyways, currently on book #2 of 5 of the Abrams Daughters series. (the 3rd series of books)

Trisha R

Just finished book #12 and getting ready to start #13...after a short break so that I can get some work done first.

Mark, I hope you're enjoying your new little bundle of joy and your travels! Are you getting any reading done? :)


The first week I actually post something and you don't. I'm still waiting for last weeks installment. Or have you given up? :P


i found you through brody harper's blog... *pat on your back* he told me to say hello... "hello. how are you?"

Emily aka EmmoGomer

I shall join everyone in saying CONGRATULATIONS on the birth of Katherine Marlow!!
Good job Stephanie!! Now go spoil her Mark!!


Congratulations on the baby girl! Arrived here from Boomama's blog. Hope you're getting some sleep -


p.s. Congratulations on baby Katherine!


I came over from BooMama's and so glad I did.

I enjoyed your 100 things, we must be about the same age because I got them all. Oh, and your wife is absolutely right, there is a difference between geeks and nerds. My husband is a geek and I love him to pieces.

brian wurzell

where is your secret show in phoenix tomorrow?! let the cat out of the bag. hahah. you're like whose this kid, but, i'll race you on some go carts in phoenix if you're down - it's a fun morning get away before the hustle. hahaha. have you guys ever gone to the http://www.speedwayraceway.com/ - i've taken on a few musicians on there in my past.

if you're down fire me an email.


Chose something a little different this week. I needed a read that would allow me to grab 10 minutes at a time and still keep connected with the story. I also thought we could use some culture up on here. ;)


For those who need it...the Mr Linky address that you can cut and paste to use is http://www.blenza.com/linkies/links.php?owner=marklee3d&postid=26Jul2008

Seems a little bit of HTML knowledge does come in handy sometimes!

Dawnifer Gomer

A great book by a very familiar author is this week's post!

Jason (jabob)

I read this one in three days. With the remodeling this coming week, I don't know if I'll be participating. Congratulations on the healthy baby girl.


Well Congrats Prof. Lee! Can't wait to see pictures of your new arrival!

I recently experienced a tragic and sudden death in my family *my grandmother, with whom I was very close*, so my SRC postings are very behind. I haven't caught up much on reading, but I plan to this week.




i should have another post up with at least two more books spotlighted in the next day or so...

of course i've been saying that to myself for the last day or so, so...

anyway... welcome back... congrats on the new baby...

peace... love... bdg...


I got Mr. Linky to work.




Ah ha...sneaking in the homework assignment on the weekend, that's almost as sneaky as I can be with my kids! Mr Linky still isn't working in any form...but you've got more important things to worry with - like YOUR WIFE! So don't worry about us...we'll be here when things calm down at the Lee house...and of course eagerly awaiting pictures!

Trisha R

Hmmm...I don't see a little question mark or blue box, but my comment links to the SRC post on my blog.

Trisha R

Welcome back to the club! LOL I'm so thrilled for you and your girls! My poor hubby feels for you, he has two girls as well, so he understands how you feel being so outnumbered. I'm glad to see you had a moment to post about the SRC, now get your butt back up to the hospital! Congratulations...and I'll be watching for those pictures!

The Secret Life of Kat

Congratulations!! I love the name Katherine. And Katherine with a "K" is so much more alluring than Katherine with a "C."

That last line is a quote from a movie and with two little girls, you'd best get acquainted with that movie (Anne of Green Gables.)

I was going to send you the questions for Parent's University when I saw that Katherine arrived early. I'll hold off on sending those to you...since you'll be busy ooohing and aaahing and trying to sleep.

I have yet to finish 1 book this summer. Perhaps I should try reading a fiction book...

Jean DeChant

I'm working on another book which may prove to be smarter then I am. Physics is not something I have ever dealt with but the idea of time travel is of interest. Maybe I can get this one done by then. Working on Time Travel In Einstein's Universe by J. Richard Gott...

Dawnifer Gomer

Ah yes. Our Professor is back!! I was wondering if class had let out early for the summer because of the new girl in your life! Again, I am thrilled to pieces for you and Stephanie and little Abbie. And once again you take the time out of your VERY busy life to think of us! Great, now one of my books has tear stains on it!

Tom Soto

Mr Linky must be real tired too since he is not here. I'm surprised you're even doing this. I know how it was when my little ones were born. Congrats!

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    What's in my CD player

    • R.E.M. -

      R.E.M.: Accelerate CD/DVD
      Athens' own return with a trashy cool offering - their most consistent album in years. I think they're mad at their dad or something (****)

    • The Rolling Stones -

      The Rolling Stones: Shine a Light: Original Soundtrack
      This is what a live album SHOULD sound like. Unedited, unfixed - just a good recording of what happened that night... (****)

    • Mudcrutch -

      Mudcrutch: Mudcrutch
      Tom Petty and Mike Campbell reunite with their old band and forge an instant classic. (****)

    • Counting Crows -

      Counting Crows: Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings
      It was pretty gutsy to lay it out the way they did: all the rockers on the "Saturday Night" section and all the ballads on the "Sunday Morning" side. But it works, and in a major way. Some of the best guitar work I've heard in recent memory. (*****)

    • The Black Crowes -

      The Black Crowes: The Lost Crowes
      WHY DIDN'T ANYBODY TELL ME ABOUT THIS RECORD?! You've heard most of these songs on other records, but it's just so raw and band-y here. Fall in love with the best band in the world all over again... (*****)

    • Pillar -

      Pillar: For The Love Of The Game
      So far this is the album to beat for the rock album of 2008 in the Christian market... The title track has kind of been my "theme song" the last couple of months. (*****)

    • Maylene and the Sons of Disaster -

      Maylene and the Sons of Disaster: II
      The perfect blend of Southern rock and metal - this is my favorite album right now. (*****)

    • Kevn Kinney -

      Kevn Kinney: Broken Hearts & Auto Parts
      I picked this up in Athens the other day. It starts out a little slow, but turns into vintage Kevn Kinney/Drivin n Cryin. This is as good as anything he/they have ever put out! (****)

    • The Black Crowes -

      The Black Crowes: Warpaint
      If you look up "killer" in the dictionary, you will find a picture of these guys.

    • Baroness -

      Baroness: Red Album
      So far the most original and inspiring music I've heard this year... (*****)

    • Down -

      Down: Down - Over The Under
      This is easily the most rockin' records I've ever owned. It's like redneck Soundgarden. Heaven for a dude like me... (*****)

    • Demon Hunter -

      Demon Hunter: Storm the Gates of Hell
      Don't let the "metalcore" label fool you. This album features some of the biggest and hookiest choruses you'll ever hear. "Lead Us Home", "Carry Me Down", and "Thorns" are great examples. Plus I think they'll give you your money back if the title track doesn't make your ears bleed :) (*****)

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