OK, so these music posts are turning into a little "series". Whatever it is, it's been a lot of fun. For this week, we're talking about Christian metal. You can really define it however you like. For me it's going to be split down the metal. The first five are "old school" and the second five are either newer or more "crossover". So Stryper wound up in that batch. Why, I have no idea. When you make a list you can break it down however it suits you...
I have a special place in my heart for Christian metal. When I first began to take my faith seriously in the early '90's, this was the kind of music they were playing on the radio. If Mac had a higher pitched voice, it's quite probable that we would have at least dabbled in the metal. While I'm glad we didn't for obvious reasons, it's still fun to reminisce. Here are a few of my favorites:
- Bride: Snakes in the Playground is one of the best records to ever be released in any genre. Period. No disclaimers, no "if you like so and so, you'll love this album". Excellent album, top to bottom. I also really love some of the acoustic, rootsy, bluesy moments on Kinetic Faith. We've had the chance to share the stage with them a few times and they're awesome guys.
- King's X: I know a whole debate could break out about whether they are a "Christian" band or not, but they were integral in my faith journey at a pretty key time, so they get a mention. Feel free to disagree. Great vocals, great guitars, great, well, everything. Did I mention they're opening up for Extreme in Atlanta next month?
- Whitecross: I still remember riding in my old Toyota Supra wih Mac when he popped in a Whitecross tape. The buzz of somebody plugging in a guitar, then HUGE GUITARS, then Scott Wenzl singing. "The rich man lived in luxury/ He was always wanting more" BLEW MY MIND.Whitecross stood out from the pack with great guitars and musicianship.
- Ken Tamplin/Shout/Magdalen: Ken's one of the best vocalists out there, and he was the best in Christian music at nailing that huge stacked vocal ala Def Leppard or Aerosmith. He always had a cool guitarist at his side, too. Lanny Cordola comes to mind.
- Holy Soldier: Their first record was unbelievable. HS managed to tap into this dark melodic thing that made their music seem larger than life. I saw them live in Atlanta in about '92. They had not one but TWO killer guitarists. Blew my mind.
- Demon Hunter: When the dust settles, they will probably be known as one of the best two or three metal bands to ever come out of the whole "Christian" scene. They've really transcended the whole genre.
- POD: These guys RULE. Hands down. Massively successful, and well deserved.
- Stryper: Speaking of massively successful, these guys were another HUGE band in their day, and for good reason. Once again, they had the combination of killer vocals and a signature guitarist.
- Becoming the Archetype: Let me tell you, when you're riding in a C130 over Baghdad doing a combat landing, something about these guys seems very appropriate. It helps the coolness factor for me that they're from Georgia...
- Maylene and the Sons of Disaster: There's a whole subgenre of metal called "Southern metal" that I think was coined just so a bunch of other bands could try to tap into what Maylene's done. Get in your truck, put a dip in, and turn these guys up to 11 and you will get it*.
So many other bands could and should be on this list. Messiah Prophet, Bloodgood, Neon Cross, Deliverance, Tourniquet, Living Sacrifice, Norma Jean, Angelica, Narnia, Novella, Barren Cross...
That's where you come in. Who did I leave out? What's some of your favorite Christian metal?
ADDENDUM: I can't believe I left out Guardian! I mean, Miracle Mile, Fire and Love? What's not to love? I remember seeing them play an acoustic set at AtlantaFest in '92 or '93. Never Gonna Say Goodbye, dude! Jamie Rowe is one of my favorite all time singers, and an all around good dude. Massive, massive apologies to all parties involved for my slackness!
ADDENDUM, part deux: There are several bands, like Pillar, Disciple, RED, Mortal, and Skillet that I left off b/c they strike me more as heavy rock bands than metal bands. All of the aforementioned acts rule and are quite worthy of being on a list such as this one!
(Proud contributor to Watercooler Wednesday!)
* I don't actually enjoy chewing tobacco myself. I was trying to paint a word picture for you...