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July 16, 2008



Great post! I just stumbled across this - not even sure you're still reading comments.

1. Definitely Johnny Cash, though I'm less of a country purist and prefer the newer stuff.

2. Alabama, hands down! And some of Collin Raye's stuff.

3. Keith Urban, Taylor Swift, Due West, LeAnn Womack, Martina McBride.

BTW - If you like Collin Raye, you should check out a free online concert he's doing to help Operation Kids raise money for safety programs for kids.

Concert is free. Registration is required. http://operatationkids.org/register


1. Gotta be Johnny Cash. My 5-year-old sings Ring of Fire right along with him. It's one of the rings on my cell phone, and he always wants me to let it keep ringing so he can sing the song!

2. I jumped on with Garth, but also loved Vince Gill, Restless Heart, Brooks & Dunn.

3. Josh Turner for the voice, Brad Paisley for the humor, and Phiil Vassar for the songwriting. And Toby Keith - just cause he's Toby. I don't usually like the crossover thing, but for some reason I'm loving the new Kid Rock song this summer.


Yeah, I know it's not Wed anymore, but I have issues with timeliness so I'll jump in late.
1. REAL country? Or something rockin'ly close? Okay... I'll play it a little safe and say Waylon and Willie (when they got together as The Outlaws)
2. The 80's? Are you kidding? I was up to my eyeballs in babies then... well, Bonnie Raitt did help me through some of those times.
3. Today... don't really listen to any country unless my sister makes me. Well, there IS this local guy named Colton James that's up and coming and I sort of dig his demo cd.


I tend to think of Johnny Cash as a genre unto himself, but if he qualifies for country, then here's my list:

O.S. - Johnny Cash
80's/90's - Tim McGraw, Alabama (seeing Alabama at the Minnesota St. Fair started my appreciation for well-done country music.)
Modern - Sugarland and Rodney Atkins are both growing on me


"Teresa, you get the prize. Not because of the sheer volume of your list. That is definitely impressive. No, it's because you mentioned Sylvia! "Except for the snap-shot / he doesn't know I've got (I've got! Uh-huh!)" Heck yeah!"

Woohoo!! What did I win?

My favorite Sylvia song is "Nobody". They have the video for "Snapshot" on CMT.com http://www.cmt.com/videos/sylvia/55130/snapshot.jhtml

jesus loves me

1 - Johnny Cash, George Jones,
2 - Alan Jackson, Garth,Brooks and Dunn
3- Brad Paisley, Rodney Atkins

I LOVE country music

Audra Krell

I am ALL ABOUT your post! Love it and all the comments!
First, I grew up on Country 8-tracks and decided in the 80's that I needed to be cooler so I tried rock and roll. Lasted a few years. I had my conversion experience back to country when I saw Clint Black and his harmonica on the Oprah show in 1989. I was instantly back. (I wonder if he knows how many he had led to country?) Put Yourself in My Shoes is a great song.
1.) Crystal Gayle - I had long brown hair, brown eyes and my middle name is Gail. Wanted to be her....LOVED "Don't it make my Brown Eyes Blue." Next was Conway. Saw him in concert with Vince Gill and George Jones. When we first married, my husband loved my "I'd Love to Lay You Down" nightshirt. Ha ha
Let's not forget Moe Bandy and Joe Stampley. First cassette I bought after a concert, loved "Tired of Holding the Bag."
2.) Clint Black and Alan Jackson. On my all time favorites list "Chasin that Neon Rainbow."
3.)Phil Vassar is incredible and my all time favorite. Love all the stuff he wrote for others like Jo Dee Messina, but I especially like when he performs his stuff that other people made into hits.

Julie M.

Well...now, I used to always say "I don't like Country music..." but more and more I'm realizing I do, especially now that I have kids...it always seems pretty 'safe'..for the most part! Growing up my Daddy really listened to the old stuff and I have a particular fondness for that because my Daddy is Da Man, so:

1. Charley Pride, Charlie Rich, Jim Reeves and Tennessee Ernie Ford, and any rendition of "Wildwood Flower"
2. Shania Twain and Randy Travis...I had a friend in college that got me hooked on Randy
3. Rascal Flatts and Allison Krauss....I'm lovin' me some bluegrass these days!


1. Statler Brothers, Johnny Cash, C.W. McCall
2. Chris LeDoux, Randy Travis, Kentucky Headhunters, Martina McBride
3. Brad Paisley, Toby Keith, Brooks & Dunn

Mark M

I'm British - from London. We don't get country....but I do have a thing about Bluegrass (you can thank T-Bone Burnett and O Brother for that). Since then I've become a real fan of Alison Krauss and Union Station. The Robert Plant / Alison Krauss collaboration was one of my favourtite CDs of last year, and I was captivated by their live show that I saw a couple of months ago (actually I was capitvated by Alison - but that's a different story!)


Oh, now this is one I can actually sink my ears into :) I was country long before country was cool! But to be honest, my list would be very similar to yours Mark.

My Dad was a Hee Haw, Willie Nelson, Oakridge Boys man. I grew up on old soul and gospel. I wish I knew the names of half the singers I used to listen to with him. Dolly, Patsy Cline, and Kenny are timeless also. John Denver - can anyone top John Denver????There are others...my Dad's favorite song, and I'm talking I remember the 8 track he used to have it on, was Ghost Riders in the Sky. We played it at his funeral.

80/90 - This was when I really hit my own stride in country music. Alan Jackson - to this day, hands down favorite. Remember When is definitely top, and I love Drive because it is so close to home - both literally and figuratively. I believe I've even been on Thigpin road with my Dad back when he had properties down around Newnan and that area. Other CD's in my rack from that time (before kids when I could afford CDs...) would be Travis Tritt (my husband Travis actually worked on his dog once...), Restless Heart, Pam Tillis, Toby Keith (saw him while stationed at Fort Sill along with another classic - Alabama!) Trishia Yearwood, JoDee Mesina, Reba McEntire Mary Chapin Carpenter, George Strait, Clint Black, Lonestar (their "I'm Already There" came out while Travis was stationed in Bosnia - yeah, made me cry everytime. We went to see them at Camp Lejeune when he returned from his deployment), Lorrie Morgan, Lionel Cartwright, Clay Walker, Shenandoah, Bonnie Raitt, The Judds, Lyle Lovett (though he's not completely country, more bluesy) and Cowboy Junkies (not mainstream country but they are awesome). And a little band you've probably never heard of called Moose Crossing which was predominantly made up of my college roomie and his Dad, and a few musically talented friends which varied as time went by, I actually sang with them at a couple of their shows...good times.

Current...this will be trickier as though I listen to country still, I don't always catch names and don't have time/money for the CDs which are likely to get used in creative ways by small hands at this stage in life. And my memory stinks...I had to pull out a pile of CDs to "remember" all that I posted above! So currently, I love the song "Dream Big" by Ryan Shupe and the RubberBand but I haven't heard any others by them so can't throw them in as a definite yet, Kenny Chesney, Alan Jackson is STILL awesome, Rodney Atkins, Sugarland (love their "I want to"), Keith Urban, Alison Cross (though she's more bluegrass which I also love...), Carrie Underwood, Montgomery Gentry, and I heard a good one this weekend called Johnny and June, by Heidi Newfield, should be interesting to see what she does in the future!

Yeah, so you might have fallen on one of my genres of music :) Not that I don't have my Guns N Roses, but I'd say that a good half of my music collection is country :)

Candace Hum

* I tell everyone I don't like Country music....
I guess that's not completely true.

1. Patsy Cline (need I say more)
2. Statler Bros./Oak Ridge Boys - Elvira, You can't have your Kate and Edith too..., Dwight Yoakum, Mavericks!, Garth, MAry Chapin Carpenter, Randy Travis (he does a great job on Click, CLack, Moo audiobook), and I loved "Pure Country"
3. Allison Krauss (though, technically, she's more bluegrass), but she's about all I can stand


I didn't know how to catorgize Kristofferson, either, but thought he at least deserved a mention. I look forward to the "multi-generational, paninfluential, poet, philosopher demi-god" post!


1. I never really liked old school country...

2. Shania Twain, the only one I really listened to and knew by name when I was that age

3. Tough...but I'm gonna have to say Rascall Flatts

Mark Lee

Teresa, you get the prize. Not because of the sheer volume of your list. That is definitely impressive. No, it's because you mentioned Sylvia! "Except for the snap-shot / he doesn't know I've got (I've got! Uh-huh!)" Heck yeah!

Danny, you are cracking me up with the Austin reference, as always. And yes, I do remember our "country lyric day" with Geof. I also remember when we tried to do "theme nights" on that one tour. Good times...

And Traci, I'm with you on Kristofferson. You just can't pigeonhole the dude. I mean he's an actor, a writer, an artist, I mean he was a Highwayman for cryin' out loud!


alright, i'm going to do my best to properly categorize these by years, but umm it's been awhile!

Old Skool: Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, Patsy,

80's and 90's: Reba, The Judds, Shania Twain, George Strait, Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Alan Jackson, Garth Brooks,

Modern: Keith Urban, the guy who looks like my cousin whose name I can't remember.


1. Patsy Cline (nobody can sing it like she could), Hank Sr., Dolly (totally underrated as a songwriter)

2. Alabama, George Straight (first artist I remember singing along to the radio with), Vince Gill (I'm in love with his voice), Trisha Yearwood, Martina McBride, Shania, Diamond Rio, Garth, Alan Jackson, The Judds, Ricky Scaggs, Randy Travis, Reba, Travis Tritt, Clint Black, Brooks & Dunn, the great Kenny Rogers

3. The Wreckers, SheDaisy, Gretchen Wilson, Sugarland, Brad Paisley, Blake Shelton, Little Big Town, Keith Urban, Dierks Bentley, Carrie Underwood, Mindy Smith, Gary Allen, Big & Rich, Alison Krauss

Jason the Mod

I just like Johnny Cash.


I'm not a HUGE country fan, but I do like certain stuff.
1) My parents listed to Willie Nelson and the Oakridge Boys, so I guess I liked them as a little kid. And Kenny Rogers also falls into this category in my opinion (you've got to know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em).
2) So the 90's was my "I hate country music phase". However, I would bend that rule when it came to Garth Brooks. I now enjoy Alan Jackson, Tim McGraw, Toby Keith, and LeeAnn Womak too, and they've been around since then.
3) Currently I really like Keith Urban. Brad Paisley's growing on me...mostly because my brother forces me to listen to it whenever we carpool to Florida together (his car, his music). Carrie Underwood is also really good.


Granted I worked on most of these but still they are great!

1. Randy Travis-although he has a new album out. Storms Of Life is one of the great albums in the last 20 years. Dwight Yoakam especially with Pete on guitar. I hope they patch things up and play live again.

2. Many good ones. David Ball's Thinkin Problem stands out as an under appreciated classic.

3. From start to finish I'll go with the Wreckers. Really enjoy that record. Wish they would make another.


I must defend myself.
Ali can't believe I didn't mention Kristofferson. That's because we are talking about country music singers not multi-generational, paninfluential, poet, philosopher demi-gods.
I'm sure Mark is saving that for another post. ;)





I guess you could say, I like DWIGHT, KING of COUNTRY MUSIC.

Danny London

1. Faron Young's "Hello Walls" is one of my all time old school country favorites. Tammy Wynette and George Jones as well, both individually and as a duo. Loretta Lynn and Patsy Cline still get a lot of iPod time

2. Alabama, to me, pretty much defined this era of country. And they had about a billion number one hits. Then also throw in Vince Gill, whether he was singing with Pure Prairie League (which could be considered country) or doing his solo records he has always been a guitar playing / songwriting stud. And I can't forget about the CDB. Charlie Daniels Band.

3. Keith Urban - Great guitar player, songwriter
Brad Paisley - perhaps the most entertaining stage show I have ever seen, a great balance between the visual and just good music
Phil Vassar - one of the best songwriters out there
And Just for Dr Lee - Blake Shelton

But really lately I've been totally into the bluegrass scene - Rhonda Vincent, The Grascals, Cherryholmes, Del McCoury Band

And finally the Norah Jones country cover band the Little Willies is absolutely amazing, I listen to this one at least once a week


I was raised on Country music, in fact I didn't even listen to any other genre until I was in highshool in the mid 90's. Even though I listen to and like modern Country, it's nothing when compared to traditional Country. I'm always listening to the local Tradional Country station here. So without further adieu and in no particular order, here are my favoites...

1. Pasty Cline, Hank Sr., Loretta Lynn, Merle Haggard, Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristofferson, Highwaymen, George Jones, Tammy Wynette, Dolly Parton, Little Jimmy Dickens, Marty Robbins, Charlie Rich, Charlie Pride, Buck Owens, Bill Anderson, Ferlin Husky, Lynn Anderson, Eddy Arnold, John Conlee, Glen Campbell, Earl Thomas Conley, Freddy Fender, Lefty Frizzell, Statler Brothers, Verne Godsin, Johnny Horton, Tanya Tucker, Ferlin Husky, Bill Monroe, Jim Croce, Roger Miller, Johnny Paycheck, Jeanne Pruett, Jeannie C. Riley, Jim Reeves, Johnny Russell, Mel Tillis, Don Williams, Dottie West, Kenny Rogers

2. Eddie Rabbit, Sylvia, Crystal Gayle, Tom T. Hall, The Judds, Holly Dunn, Alabama, Keith Whitley, Exile, K.T. Oslin, Rosanne Cash, Restless Heart, Linda Ronstadt, George Strait, Ricky Skaggs, John Anderson, Bellamy Brothers, Oak Ridge Boys, Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers, Eddy Raven, Mel McDaniel, David Frizzell, Shelly West, Janie Fricke, Charly McClain, Mickey Gilley, Ronnie Milsap, Johnny Lee, Bobbie Gentry, Juice Newton, David Lee Murphy, Randy Travis, Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Steve Wariner, Pam Tillis, Clint Black, Collin Raye, Billy Dean, Garth Brooks, Trisha Yearwood, Suzy Bogguss, Lee Roy Parnell, Mark Chesnut, Alan Jackson, Ty Herndon, Sawyer Brown, Sammy Kershaw, Reba McEntire, Tim McGraw, Rhett Akins, Kevin Sharp, John Berry, Blackhawk, Brooks & Dunn, Bryan White, Paul Brandt, Clay Walker, Tracy Byrd, Tracy Lawrence, Confederate Railroad, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Martina McBride, Kathy Mattea, Diamond Rio, Joe Diffie, Little Texas, Patty Loveless, Lorrie Morgan, Kentucky Headhunters, Alison Krauss, Chris Ledoux, The Mavericks, McBride & the Ride, John Michael Montgomery, David Lee Murphy, Neal McCoy, Sons of the Desert, Ricky Van Shelton, Shenandoah, Doug Stone, John Berry, Doug Supernaw, Lila McCann, Rick Trevino, Marty Stuart, Travis Tritt, Aaron Tippin, The Wilkinsons, Mark Wills, Billy Gilman, Hal Ketchum

3. Rascal Flatts, Keith Anderson, Cross Canadian Ragweed, Eli Young Band, Keith Urban, Brad Paisley, Dierks Bentley, Gary Allan, Gretchen Wilson, Montgomery Gentry, Sugarland, Luke Bryan, Blake Shelton, Miranda Lambert, Taylor Swift, Chris Cagle, Josh Gracin, Kellie Pickler, Kenny Chesney, Toby Keith, Dixie Chicks, Sara Evans, Lady Antebellum, Little Big Town, Lonestar, Joe Nichols, Nickel Creek, SHeDAISY, Josh Turner, The Warren Brothers, Jimmy Wayne, Pat Green

I think that's enough, actually, that's all I can think of right now. I told you I like Country...lol.


old school= Conway... and Patsy
80's was there anybody BUT Alabama? LOL
Current= I actually bought the "Best of" Toby Keith... cuz its the "American way!" LOL!

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      R.E.M.: Accelerate CD/DVD
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    • The Black Crowes -

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    • Pillar -

      Pillar: For The Love Of The Game
      So far this is the album to beat for the rock album of 2008 in the Christian market... The title track has kind of been my "theme song" the last couple of months. (*****)

    • Maylene and the Sons of Disaster -

      Maylene and the Sons of Disaster: II
      The perfect blend of Southern rock and metal - this is my favorite album right now. (*****)

    • Kevn Kinney -

      Kevn Kinney: Broken Hearts & Auto Parts
      I picked this up in Athens the other day. It starts out a little slow, but turns into vintage Kevn Kinney/Drivin n Cryin. This is as good as anything he/they have ever put out! (****)

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    • Demon Hunter -

      Demon Hunter: Storm the Gates of Hell
      Don't let the "metalcore" label fool you. This album features some of the biggest and hookiest choruses you'll ever hear. "Lead Us Home", "Carry Me Down", and "Thorns" are great examples. Plus I think they'll give you your money back if the title track doesn't make your ears bleed :) (*****)

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