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May 27, 2008



See? This is why I love you guys! :D

Jonathan Paul

Great post, Mark! I enjoyed it so much, it rattled around in my head for a while and came out today as a response blog post over at my place:


I'd love to hear your thoughts. ...and congrats on playing The Tonight Show the other evening. That's sweet!

dwight watson

Dude, great post! Really convicting to me as I've been around a lot of "church" critics lately and have been sensing the tendency in myself to do the same. Nothing is perfect in this world except for the love of Jesus, so I need to make sure to bring that into every conversation.


mark... i'll be at the UAM campus tomorrow and will check out the bookstore for said t-shirt... if'n you really want one, you can send a shipping address to my email and it'll be a done deal!

about your summer reading list... i just finished a neat little book entitled "same kind of different as me." i know it doesnt fall into the june 1 start date, and i will read me some other books during the summer, but this is just a little heads-up to a very cool true story. awe-inspiring and a great bridge between this post on positivity and the summer reading club post...


This is a good word. I needed to hear it today. Prov 16:24. Thanks, Mark!!

Bernie Rosage Jr.

WOW this rings true and I needed to hear this today! In fact... I had been moaning and groaning so much about the gas prices that my wife said to me... "we'll just stay home more often like when we did when we were kids". She's right... that would be a good thing for us since we are on the go SO much! Maybe God is working on fixing the American family with the gas ordeal by making us stay home and spending more time together and getting creative... at least that's how I'm gonna view it from this point on... thanks for the perspective shift Mark.

PS... I'm trying my best to create good art...


Yes, why do we find it so easy to be critical, yet there are sooo many positive things happening around us each day. I agree with the self defamation thing, I find that very easy!
Today will be positive day! I promise.

DeWayne Hamby

Great thoughts, Mark!


Thanks for the reminder, Mark! It makes me think about my grandma; I don't think she ever said anything negative about anybody. That's a good way to be.

jarrod morris

Wow, I needed that!


Good word, Corrine :)

cool dad, I'm totally with you. I am the king of self-bashing! Gotta get over that one...

Dean, I need to score me a UA Monticello Fighting Boll Weevils T shirt!

Brody, thanks for being the positive force behind the positivity...

Mama Gomer

I try to be positive at all times. I cannot stand being around a negative person, just cannot stand it. I wish everyone would live by Philipians 4:8 - "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things."

cool dad

Great words, Mark! It's good to be mindful that our biggest critic is often ourself. A lot of times, I need to get over my own self-bashing and doubt.


"positively" awesome! actually, here in lil ol monticello, arkansas, our college, the unversity of arkansas at monicello, is the home of the fighting boll weevils, and it would be cool to have that statue, but since the city of enterprise has suffered much pain and anguish over it's original statue being stolen and vandalized so much, plus they now have surveillance cameras watching the new one, plus, stealing their statue wouldn't be in the true spirit of this post, so we'll just leave things as they are. 'preciate the encouraging words (and the add in the blogroll too!)


Love it. Thanks for participating Mark. This post is the thought behind "Positive Post Tuesday" so it fit's perfectly.

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    • R.E.M. -

      R.E.M.: Accelerate CD/DVD
      Athens' own return with a trashy cool offering - their most consistent album in years. I think they're mad at their dad or something (****)

    • The Rolling Stones -

      The Rolling Stones: Shine a Light: Original Soundtrack
      This is what a live album SHOULD sound like. Unedited, unfixed - just a good recording of what happened that night... (****)

    • Mudcrutch -

      Mudcrutch: Mudcrutch
      Tom Petty and Mike Campbell reunite with their old band and forge an instant classic. (****)

    • Counting Crows -

      Counting Crows: Saturday Nights & Sunday Mornings
      It was pretty gutsy to lay it out the way they did: all the rockers on the "Saturday Night" section and all the ballads on the "Sunday Morning" side. But it works, and in a major way. Some of the best guitar work I've heard in recent memory. (*****)

    • The Black Crowes -

      The Black Crowes: The Lost Crowes
      WHY DIDN'T ANYBODY TELL ME ABOUT THIS RECORD?! You've heard most of these songs on other records, but it's just so raw and band-y here. Fall in love with the best band in the world all over again... (*****)

    • Pillar -

      Pillar: For The Love Of The Game
      So far this is the album to beat for the rock album of 2008 in the Christian market... The title track has kind of been my "theme song" the last couple of months. (*****)

    • Maylene and the Sons of Disaster -

      Maylene and the Sons of Disaster: II
      The perfect blend of Southern rock and metal - this is my favorite album right now. (*****)

    • Kevn Kinney -

      Kevn Kinney: Broken Hearts & Auto Parts
      I picked this up in Athens the other day. It starts out a little slow, but turns into vintage Kevn Kinney/Drivin n Cryin. This is as good as anything he/they have ever put out! (****)

    • The Black Crowes -

      The Black Crowes: Warpaint
      If you look up "killer" in the dictionary, you will find a picture of these guys.

    • Baroness -

      Baroness: Red Album
      So far the most original and inspiring music I've heard this year... (*****)

    • Down -

      Down: Down - Over The Under
      This is easily the most rockin' records I've ever owned. It's like redneck Soundgarden. Heaven for a dude like me... (*****)

    • Demon Hunter -

      Demon Hunter: Storm the Gates of Hell
      Don't let the "metalcore" label fool you. This album features some of the biggest and hookiest choruses you'll ever hear. "Lead Us Home", "Carry Me Down", and "Thorns" are great examples. Plus I think they'll give you your money back if the title track doesn't make your ears bleed :) (*****)

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